What Should Be Included in Emergency Survival Kit - 1 Person - 3 Day/72 Hour

An emergency survival kit for one person for 72 hours should contain essential items to sustain life and ensure safety. Here are the key components:

  1. Food and Water:

    • 3 days of non-perishable food: Include items like energy bars, canned goods, and dried fruits.
    • 1 gallon of water per person per day: This totals 3 gallons for drinking and sanitation [4].
  2. Shelter and Warmth:

    • Emergency blanket or sleeping bag [3].
    • Compact tent or tarp for shelter [3].
    • Extra clothing, including warm layers and rain gear [3].
  3. First Aid:

    • First aid kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, medications, and other medical supplies [1].
  4. Tools and Supplies:

    • Flashlight with extra batteries [4].
    • Transistor radio with batteries to receive emergency updates [4].
    • Multi-tool or knife [1].
    • Fire starter: Matches, lighter, or fire-starting kit [4].
    • Whistle: For signaling [1].
    • Duct tape and plastic sheeting for temporary repairs [1].
  5. Personal Hygiene Items:

    • Sanitation supplies: Include items like hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, and garbage bags [1].
  6. Important Documents:

    • Copies of personal documents: IDs, emergency contact information, insurance policies, and bank records [1].
  7. Miscellaneous:

    • Local maps.
    • Cash: In small denominations.
    • Mobile phone charger: Preferably a solar charger [2].

Additional Items for Consideration

  • Prescription medications: Ensure a supply for the duration.
  • Infant formula or other special items if applicable.
  • Pet supplies: If you have a pet, include food, water, and other necessities.

Ensuring that your emergency kit is regularly updated and maintained is crucial for preparedness. Replace expired items and adjust the contents based on seasonal needs and personal requirements.


  1. redcross.org - What Do You Need In a Survival Kit | American Red Cross
  2. ready.gov - Build A Kit
  3. ussafetykits.com - Emergency 3-day Kits, 72 Hour Survival Kit Checklist
  4. quora.com - What do you need in a 72 hour emergency kit?
  5. youtube.com - 20 ITEMS You NEED in a 72 hour Survival Kit! A Look INSIDE
  6. lafayetteco.gov - Make an Emergency Kit