Just imagine going about your business when all of a sudden, the ground you are stepping on begins shaking aggressively. After the initial shock, you recognize it is an earthquake. What next?
Knowing what you need to do when there’s an earthquake, regardless if you’re at work, at home, at school or just out and doing your things can really go a long way in ascertaining your safety and those of others around you. Taking the appropriate steps like "Drop, Cover, and Hold On", can significantly minimize your risk of injury or even death.
Drop. Cover. Hold on.
More often than not, you can safeguard yourself if you immediately:
• DROP down to your knees and hands before the earthquake throws you to the ground. This horizontal position shields you from falling down randomly and also enables you to retain your mobility should you need to move.
• COVER your neck and head (and your whole body if you can) under a sturdy desk or table. If there's no shelter near you, get under an interior wall or a piece of low-lying furniture that won't fall and injure you and shield your neck and head with your hands and arms.
• HOLD ON on to the shelter firmly and be ready to move with it as you wait for the shaking to stop.
If the earthquake occurs while you're indoors, remain inside. Don't go outside or run to other rooms inside the house during an earthquake. Remain indoors until you feel the shaking has stopped and are certain that going outside is safe.
To minimize your likelihood of getting injured, take these actions:
-Drop under sturdy furniture like a bed, desk, table or any heavy furniture.
-Cover your torso and head to avoid getting hit by falling items.
-Hold onto the shelter you are beneath so you stay shielded as the earthquake continues.
-If there's no strong object for you to get under, or the earthquake has occurred while you're in a hallway, crouch against the wall or flatten yourself.
-If you are in a mall, enter the nearest store.
-Steer clear of windows and shelves.
-If you are in school, get beneath a table or desk and hold on. away from the windows.
-Remember the electricity may go off during this occurrence. DO NOT enter elevators.
-If in a wheelchair lock the wheels and shield your head using your arms.
-If in the kitchen, steer clear of the refrigerator, overhead cupboards and stove.
Remain outside!
-If you're somewhere outside, go to an open area away from electric poles and wires, buildings, signs and trees. Steer clear of utility wires, streetlights and buildings.
-When you get to clear space, remain there until the ground stops shaking. The greatest risk occurs outside of buildings, exterior walls, and exits.
Most of the 120 deaths from the 1933 Long Beach quake happened when individuals ran outside of structures only to die because of falling debris from collapsing building walls. Ground movement during quakes is rarely the cause of injury or death. The majority of earthquake-related casualties are due to falling objects, flying glass, and collapsing walls.
-If you are on the sidewalk when the earthquake happens, duck into any near doorway to shield yourself from falling glass, bricks and other debris.
-If you are inside a vehicle, pull over by the roadside and turn off the engine. This will clear the pathway for emergency and rescue vehicles. Don't park the car near power lines, underpasses, overpasses, bridges, buildings and other potential hazards. Turn the car stereo on and listen for guidelines from emergency officials.